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Swami Vivekananda
have residence, we can not own land. We can not buy house because we
still having Indian passport that was something which make us very sad
because on one hand, I felt there is some relationship with this country at
the right. Why people be here for 32 years. Then question of children we
didn’t think of asking our plan for them our Thai relationship because we
are not sure that they decide certainly year for their after finishing study
International school. They left for us now. They are lonely. So this is like
something. I keep a very amazing that I’m an Indian and Indian living in
Thailand for more than 30 years more than living in India. Indian-Indian living
in Thailand for 32 years more than I living in India but somehow I feel am
not Thai but I’m Indian. I can speak Thai but only just limited some
conversation Thai because living in International government for last 3 years
I am teaching in Mahidol University. Me and my husband both we’re
teaching in Faculty of Engineering so these are just my thought that I want
to share while sitting here and listening to Thai which I’m not able to follow
100% sometimes maybe only 5-10% Thank you.
: Thank you. Not only you everybody in this kingdom has
the problem of identity. Now, I have idea of identity too. Everyone wants to
response to this remark. เชญครบ
คณบนา โฮรา
: Now I’m interesting to you. I have my full sympathy
for you. It is sad being here. So many years are not able to buy land on your
name and the fact Thai government should come up with some other rule
which allow some people living here for long time. I would like to acquire
Thai nationality. I’m sure some new rule should come up and will get what
you want one day after indicating on your life teaching in Thailand. I have
just a few words to say one is เมอหลายๆ ปผานมาแลวนะคะ 10 กวาปผานมาแลว
มโอกาสเจอดร.สมเกยรต ดร.สมเกยรต ออนวมลทเปนนกอานขาวนะคะ ดฉนพานกเรยน
ฉนไปทนน แลวกคยกบอาจารย อาจารยรสกวาไดศกษาทอนเดยระดบมหาวทยาลยและ
อาจารยถามดฉนวา คณบนาทาไมพดไทยไดชด และผมอยเมองอนเดยตงนาน ผมพด