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Swami Vivekananda
that the light of the Divine, shining in every heart, will triumph over
the forces of darkness.
Swamiji’s concept of ‘potential divinity of the soul’ gives
a new, ennobling concept of man. Through science and technology,
man has attained great prosperity and power and modern methods
of communication and travel have converted human society into
a global village. But, the degradation of man has also been
going on apace, as witnessed by the enormous increase in broken
homes, immorality, violence, crime, etc. in modern society. Swami
Vivekananda’s concept of potential divinity of the soul prevents
this degradation, divinizes human relationships and makes
life meaningful. Swamiji has laid the foundation for ‘spiritual
humanism’, which is manifesting itself through several neo-
humanistic movements and the current interest in meditation.
And, as I am speaking on this august platform of an
esteemed University like yours, I will like to speak two of Swamiji’s
quotes relating to youths and education. To youths, he addressed
“Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak,
weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be.”
On Education, he said, “We want that education by which character
is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded
and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”
While concluding, I once again thank the Institute of
Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University for
taking the initiative of organizing this Seminar in collaboration with
the Embassy and wish that the Institute will continue organizing
many more such events in the future also. I am also happy to learn
that the MA Course on Indian Studies, which was inaugurated
during last year has been running well. This post-graduate level
programme covers all aspects on India. I would also like to touch